Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development program requires community-based organizations to direct socioeconomic diversity and small businesses. The main objective of this program training is to provide the participants with knowledge of the provision of the HUD act and the implementation of its regulations. This blog post will discuss the modules covered in the Section 3 training curriculum.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
Section 3 training participants are taught how to report and record the activities to HUD. They are also taught how to report and record their financial information.
Community Development
The participants are taught how to develop a community plan. This includes identifying the community’s needs, developing a plan that addresses those needs, and preparing the plan for submission to HUD. The participants are also taught about the requirements of a community plan and the requirements of an individual housing development.
Purchasing Power Standards
After the program, you will know how purchasing power standards work and their importance in an affordable housing program. They are also taught how they can be used in conjunction with Section 8 tenant-based programs.
Section 8 Program
Trainees are taught the requirements of Section 8. They are also taught how to apply for a Section 8 Certificate of Occupancy and how to interpret the information contained in the Certificate of Occupancy.
Housing Programs
Participants are taught about various housing programs and their requirements. They are also taught about HUD programs such as the SAFEHOME program, disaster recovery grants, and special priority projects.