A restaurant permit in Orange County is required for more than just restaurants prior to new construction. One is also needed for renovations, some changes in equipment, major alterations to the interior design, significant changes to the menu, and a change in ownership or management. A food facility health permit, for example, is non-transferable, so if the establishment changes owners, name, or how it operates, a new permit must be approved before changes can take place. An owner wants to change the place from a formal restaurant, for example, to a restaurant that serves food buffet style. A new permit is required before that change can actually occur.
In order to apply for a restaurant permit in Orange County, three sets of plans for construction or renovations have to be submitted. Approval must be in writing before any work commences. If a request has not been approved, needed corrections will accompany a denial letter. Owners can resubmit three sets of plans once corrections have been made, and wait for approval. Submitting, or re-submitting, plans can get lost among all the other paperwork and preparation that has to be done when making changes. Owners may loose track of the paperwork, miss a deadline, or forget to re-submit plans. That will cause delays, and cost time and money.
One way to avoid any delays, make sure all the paperwork is submitted completely, and eliminate the risk of fines and penalties is to find a company that will handle obtaining all the necessary permits for construction or renovations. That leaves owners and manager free to concentrate on marketing, hiring chefs and staff, selecting plates and linens, and arranging the opening night event. An experienced company in the Orange County area has been designing, constructing, and renovating restaurants and bars, along with establishments in other commercial industries, for over twenty years. Full-service companies include obtaining all needed permits in the project management aspect of the job. Formal and upscale restaurants and bars, simple and fun ice cream and yogurt shops, and everything in between has been designed and constructed to suit the preferences, needs, and budgets of owners. Perspective owners, those wishing to create multiple locations of a current restaurant, or managers who are tasked with renovations can contact us for details, capabilities, and examples of previous work.